Sustainable Innovation Research Hub


Grazzini, L., Acuti, D., & Aiello, G. (2021). Solving the puzzle of sustainable fashion consumption: The role of consumers’ implicit attitudes and perceived warmth. Journal of Cleaner Production, 287, 125579.
Mauri, C., Grazzini, L., Ulqinaku, A., & Poletti, E. (2021). The effect of front‐of‐package nutrition labels on the choice of low sugar products. Psychology & Marketing.


Grazzini, L., Podrigo, P., Aiello, G., and Viglia, G. (2018). Loss or gain? The role of message framing in hotel guests’ recycling behaviour. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 1-23.


Zollo, L., Yoon, S., Rialti, R., and Ciappei, C. (2018). Ethical consumption and consumers’ decision making: the role of moral intuition. Management Decision, 56(3), 692-710.


Randelli F. and Rocchi B. (2017). Analysing the role of consumers within technological innovation systems: The case of alternative food networks. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 25, pp. 94-106. 


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